A “Before You Buy Guide” On Bassinet Prams

bassinet pram being pushed by parents

Your baby’s first ride is indeed a milestone moment. Not only is the moment emotionally significant, but it’s one that requires a lot of thought and consideration. You want your child to be comfortable and safe, while it is equally important that you (as the operator of the stroller) are comfortable using the device. There are many different types of strollers, and bassinet prams are just one of the many models available in the market. If you are new to this market (i.e. this is your first child), then it is only natural for you to feel anxious and daunted by the prospect.

Thankfully, we are here to help you through the process, and make sure you have everything you need to start this journey off on the right foot. It all starts with wading through different bassinet prams and identifying the perfect one for you.


Why bassinet prams are the best

One of the best advantages of this model is that it allows your baby to lie down in a fully flat position. This is crucial for when the baby’s spine and neck muscles are developing, and they don’t have the strength to support themselves in infancy. Indeed, these baby carriages are recommended for the child’s first 6 months, at which time they should start to be able to sit up without aid or support.


Refined, compact models are the go-to

When choosing one specific type from the range of bassinet prams available in the market, you must look at styles that are compact and refined. Why? Well, think about how often you will be using it during the first few years of your child’s life. You want something that is easy to navigate and disassemble when you don’t need it. A bulky stroller will be hard to move around in narrow shopping aisles and other cluttered spaces and will only cause discomfort for your baby and you. While you might have to pay slightly more for a compact design, you can rest assured it is a worthwhile investment.


Locked wheels are a must-have

Most modern bassinet prams come with locked wheels, so this shouldn’t be a problem anyway. However, it would help if you steered clear of any designs without this function. If you are walking the stroller down a hill or on uneven ground, then you could lose control of it. At this point, having wheels that can lock is critical for the safety of your baby. Moreover, large wheels tend to be more suitable for kerbs, stairs and stricter terrain, so make sure your stroller is ready for the world!


Folding mechanism needs to be easy

As outlined earlier, the stroller you use must be easy to operate, use and fold. A few years ago, the big craze when it came to bassinet prams was “self-folding” mechanisms. At the push of a button, the entire baby carriage could be folded or assembled of its own accord. However, evidence found that these devices can be dangerous since the child could unintentionally press the button and begin the stroller’s folding mechanism without a parent watching. As a result, while you want something quick and easy, manual-folding is probably the safest way to go.


A robust and comprehensive canopy for those rainy days

Another crucial feature required in all bassinet prams is a vast, strong canopy. The last thing you want is your child getting wet and coming down with a cold. At that age, their immune system isn’t as strong as the average adult, so protecting your child from the cold and the rain is critical.