How Break Up Therapy Services Help Clients Directly

woman thinking and staring at nowhere

There is no ‘normal’ way of responding to a broken heart and the breakup of a relationship.

Everyone is unique and finds their own coping mechanisms, some more effective than others and some more healthy than others.

There are hundreds of factors that will influence the immediate and lasting emotions, including the amount of time spent together, how happy each party was leading into the breakup, what events took place in the lead up and whether or not there was any levels of physical, mental or emotional abuse.

This is where the best break up therapy services directly help clients, offering them a path forward without fear or regret.

Here we will discuss what role these specialist therapists play for men and women.


Giving You Permission To Feel

It is an issue most commonly associated with men but can equally affect women as well. Those individuals who experience a breakup can be predisposed to bottling up the emotion and attempting to forge ahead in the hope that the pain and sadness will naturally dissipate. That is not what break up therapy services is for, instead breaking down the barriers and giving the participant permission to feel. The anger, sadness, anxiety, frustration, confusion and regret can be voiced in open session. This is a healthy exercise and the only real coping mechanism that addresses the problem directly.


Providing a Free Non-Judgemental Environment

The space alone that is provided by break up therapy services can be enough to breakdown some barriers. Whether it is at home, in the workplace or at shopping malls and clubs where the couple would once attend, it is refreshing to be situated in an environment that has no attachment to the other partner. Devoid of any of those past associations, it will be a space that is free from judgement and allows the participant to simply voice their opinions, thoughts, frustrations, anxieties, anger and anything else on their mind. Certain relationships fall down because one or both parties feel suffocated and worn down and there is a need to give the partner ‘space’. Whether the relationship is repaired or the two remain separated and go their different ways, this is that space.


Encouraging Positive Behaviours


There are good behaviours and bad behaviours that can be drawn up in black and white from break up therapy services. On the bad there is attempting to force communication with the ex-partner, scouring through their social media accounts, trying to talk through intermediaries or avoiding any abuse or damage that was caused during the relationship. Then there are positive behaviours that offer closure, including open discussions during consultations, engaging with friends and family members and maybe even getting involved in the dating scene again should there be the confidence and willingness to do so.


Developing a Support System

Specialists who work within break up therapy services understand they are not miracle workers. There is no magic wand to restoring confidence or repairing the damage experienced in these instances, but they can achieve the next best thing. It is the friends and family members who become the support system for men and women in these instances, ensuring that there are people to talk to and rely on in between consultations. Amid all of those positive behaviours, it is still healthy to talk openly with those parties who will listen and love, irrespective of the circumstances or context.


Flexible Appointment Scheduling and Visitation Agreements

The final benefit of engaging break up therapy services centers around the more practical and logistical elements. From the time of the appointments to limiting the fees involved with the practice, these operators understand that not every participant will have the luxury of budgeting for ongoing services. The last issue any individual wants to encounter is problems with payments or finding the right scheduling for appointments, so these practitioners will offer flexibility for their clients.